Son of Kemtuik

The story of a "Son Kemtuik"

Kemtuik villages it is, Demutim, Merem, Kebeu, Seblom, Banu, Blasu, Wawit, Ambea, Seguolip, Sawiron, Suiapsisa, Demusuo, Suiap, Sewi, Aip, Blamwali, Kebeu, Wasio, Saplung, Mamda-Yawang, Kungday , mamsa-samon, Mamda-dumadi. Nggano, Meikari, Sedingudong, Buglang, Yekui, Kuansu, Klipkau, Smaglang, these are the people who speak Mlap Kemtuik.

On 30 April 1954 a woman who bernana Say Kemtuik an Akum Alfonsina Wasanggay to Mr. Alexander Bemey Malui Akum Trang has given birth to 'child Kemtuik'. The boy dibari name, Yaku Kenuim Bemey Jacob.

He was born a new kampong people Meikari built on government actions and Ondoafi Mamda-being, korano Yaku Kleku Zeth. It is a village in Semudia Meikari, from Wolu to Nantuik reeds.
In 1960 the boy cook SR (Primary school) Mamda class I, 1963, SR (Primary school) Mamda it changed its name to the SD YPK Mamda. Subsequently, in 1966 he joined the school exam test is the first time in elementary school but did not graduate Kwansu. Then in 1967 following the exam for the second time in elementary school and graduated Kwansu. From there proceed to the junior level, the School of Teacher B (SGB) YPK Genyem.

In 1972 graduated from the SGB YPK Genyem. And 1973 "Son Mlap" called "Son Kemtuik" helped father and mother in the home and open the garden alone.

But in 1973 a stranger came, and they brought this young man to Genyem. And in 1975 'Kemtuik child' is run and entered in the School of foreigners in Sentani.

While he studied at the School (School of the Bible) and the Decree came out in 1977 appointment as teachers in primary schools. Although SK is out to teach in the village Sarmi Beneraf. But the father Yaap vd Wilden asked and shifted to SD YPK Merem.

Since then the boy began memcintai Kemtuik to work with language programs Kemtuik.
Serialize ......

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